Vimeo Award Nominated for Best Web Series

What an exciting week for us at All Aces Media. Often Awesome the series got nominated for a Webby for Best Documentary Series and now for the Vimeo Awards for Best Web Series. Please help us bring home the award and vote for us daily at The Vimeo Awards and at The Webby Awards.

Thank you so much

ALS Sucks

Working on Often Awesome the series the past two years has changed me into an advocate and agent of awareness to pass the message about this horrible disease. Please help us spread awareness and help the world understand that we need to research and find a cure.

Short Film Friday “Faces of Poverty: What’s Behind The Sign”

You see the signs on busy street corners and you have your own ideas on what is behind the sign. This short film takes you behind the sign and educates you about what life is like for the homeless in a medium size city.

“What’s Behind The Sign?” Came in first place in the first annual Welfare Reform Liaison Project: Copycents Film Festival.

This short film was produced and shot by some of the students that enrolled in the program I teach at. I’m so proud of them and all the participants. Keep in mind this is the first film that they have ever shot, edited and produced. An accomplishment that really humbles me.

A great article in the News & Record about the event. Check it out if your curious about where I’m working at and what we are striving to do.

Short Film Friday: Pennies Heart

From the beautiful minds of Phos Pictures

Produced: Lukas Korver
Directed/Edited: Eliot Rausch
Director of Photography: Lukas Korver, Matt Taylor
Song: The First Days of Spring / Noah and the Whale

the 3rd life of 8LIVES / Documentary Release 2010
For more information on Penny (

30 Years Ago Today There Was A Massacre In My Hometown

This is the story that I found…

Side notes:

  • I began this when I was in college as a class project in my sophomore year
  • After I graduated from UNCG I moved to NYC and worked on Independent Films
  • I moved back to Greensboro after 8 months to pick up where I left off in class
  • I worked as a pizza delivery driver while continuing to produce and shoot this documentary
  • I used equipment from GCTV public access cable 8 in Greensboro
  • I edited the final documentary on an iMac DV+ (G3) with Final Cut Pro 2
  • I sent the film to 10 festivals making 4 and picking up two awards
  • There was no outside funding for making this film
  • I produced, shot, wrote, directed, edited and scored the entire film

I look back and still can’t believe the story that I told. Telling this story changed the way I looked at politicians and people with power and money.

As a professional I look back and cringe on how I shot this. The first time I ever picked up a camera for an interview was with Willena for this documentary. I had no idea how to compose a shot. I also learned that I can’t do everything and have embraced collaborating with others.

All in all this was a story that lit a fire in me and I had to tell it. “Greensboro: Closer to the Truth,” is another documentary that beautifully tells the story of the survivors of The Greensboro Massacre and how the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission played a part in the healing process years later.

If you are near Auburn University I will be showing this film on campus look for it at Auburn University’s Haley Center Auditorium room 2370. I will be available after the screening to discuss the film.

For Greensboro residence, on Wednesday, November 4 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. the Greensboro Historical Museum and the Greensboro Public Library are hosting a screening of Adam Zucker’s documentary Greensboro: Closer to the Truth, about the 1979 Klan and Nazi killings. A panel discussion will follow the film with Adam Zucker.

You can also listen to the podcast of Adam and myself talking about our documentaries.

New Friendship in This Great Field

This past weekend I was hired to assist with audio on a documentary with Steven Ascher with West City Films, INC.. Steven and his production company have been working on this documentary since 2003 and I came in towards the end to help him out.

I’ve met the subjects of the film and all I can say this is going to be a great film. All the people are sweet and I can’t wait to see this film. Steven contacted me earlier this year to see if he could use some footage from my documentary, “Greensboro’s Child” in his film. I couldn’t find the original footage but I did have some from the original timeline and it seemed to workout and will make the final cut of his film which will premiere on HBO next year.

I feel honored that I met Steven and hope to have begun a new friendship in this amazing career field.

Steven’s earlier documentary trailer…

So Much So Fast

Iraq For Sale

Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films produced this film that every American should see. I only hope that we as citizens of this great country pay closer attention to our government and their actions. Someday soon while we still have a secure internet, someone will create an RSS feed that will hold all of our elected officials accountable on how they vote. Not only that but have their employment record to see if they have ties with elite corporate companies that are trying to sway bills in Congress. How soon? I hope soon enough before this great nation gets out of hand. Think while you watch.