Make an Interactive Facebook Badge with Javascript

So copy and past this code in your blog sidebar or widget. Change the code of to the Facebook page you want to display.<script type="text/javascript">FB.init("a6637eb1240c50dd7ea73686e1a78c53");</script><fb:fan profile_id="8587727397" stream="1" connections="10" width="300"></fb:fan><div style="font-size:8px; padding-left:10px"><a href="">The Corporate Assassin</a> on Facebook</div>

Simple to do, go to the Facebook page you want to create a badge and copy the link in the address bar and replace the link.

Also change the profile_id in this line fan profile_id=”8587727397″ to the id # of the page you want to showcase. So, “8587727397” is the Corporate Assassin’s page # and I want to change it to Often Awesome The Series page number which is “106583139365159”.

One more change. At the end of the code…

>The Corporate Assassin</a> on Facebook</div>
change the name of Corporate Assassin to whatever you want to call your badge name. I changed mine to Often Awesome The Series.

All you have to do is make those small changes and you now have a javascript Facebook Badge that is more interactive and esthetically pleasing than the html badge that is now the only badge that Facebook gives you.

This is what the html Often Awesome The Series badge looks like.

Often Awesome The Series

Promote Your Page Too

And the Javascript Facebook Badge…“a6637eb1240c50dd7ea73686e1a78c53”);

Thanks John Ford for helping me put code in my post…you are simply awesome.

Short Film Friday: Pennies Heart

From the beautiful minds of Phos Pictures

Produced: Lukas Korver
Directed/Edited: Eliot Rausch
Director of Photography: Lukas Korver, Matt Taylor
Song: The First Days of Spring / Noah and the Whale

the 3rd life of 8LIVES / Documentary Release 2010
For more information on Penny (

Often Awesome The Web Series

Often Awesome is a new web series about Love, friendship and a fight to live. Tim LaFollette is battling ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), and his girlfriend Kaylan is standing by his side. The series will introduce you to Tim and Kaylan, their amazing friends and a story that will move your soul.

Blake Faucette and I decided to team up and tell this story and Tim jumped at it. I feel honored to be able to tell Tim’s story and leave his legacy behind. We want to educate, bring awareness, and help in anyway to put a dent into eradicating this awful disease. To watch the first episode go to our home page and watch it and ask what you can do to help.

For more information about Tim and Kaylan’s fight visit :

If you are interested in funding research, please make tax deductible donations to the ALS TDI at:

Upcoming Conversation with Harvey Robinson of

I came across Harvey Robinson’s path through the .matrix Project and was wowed by the beautiful storytelling that he presents in his videos. Monkeywhale is not just Harvey but a collaboration of artists that formed a production company in Greensboro, NC. He is a machine when it comes to creating and I for one can dig it.

This is the Monkeywhale’s latest video. Great music with great people.

If anyone has any questions that you would like me to ask him please leave it in the comment section and I’ll ask away.

Corporate Assassin Outtakes

Some of my favorite moments are cutting together the outtakes. Everyone enjoys them regardless if the film or in this case webisode sucks…I don’t think the webisode sucks. The thing that makes this one so funny is my brother, Sean was sitting across from my father when he says the “Oh my god…He’s a Jap!” line. I don’t know why I had him sitting across from him but it made for a great outtake reel. My dad is hilarious, just the looks on his face makes me crack up each time.

If you haven’t seen the Episode 2: Please Hold you can watch it in full.

Outtakes from Episode 1.

“Episode 4: Greatest Hits,” is currently scouting locations for an office. This is a special episode, Anthony Piriano, submitted a really funny and well written script. I will know by Tuesday if I nailed down a location and we plan to shoot on March 7th. If anyone has an office location for us to shoot at or would like to act in an episode please feel free to hit me up.

FxFactory Pro Awards Are Announced

The players over at Noise Industries held their first contest for editors that use their product. The winners are announced. The winning package is sweet.

  • * Droboâ„¢ FireWire 800/USB 2.0 Drive by Data Robotics, Inc.
  • * One free Noise Industries product of your choice.
  • * Noise Industries T-shirt.

I totally missed this year. The winner is very worthy and made a beautiful video with the filters and transitions from FxFactory Pro. The camera they used was a Canon XHA1 camera at 24fps. It looks amazing.

Christian Bale Rips a DP

This is how I would’ve handled being yelled at. I’m an agitator, if someone is yelling at me crazily I’ll only agitate that person till they go nuts. Now if I did something wrong, you would only have to tell me once and I’d make sure it would never happen again and I would apologize for my actions. I thought it would be fun to parody this audio and lighten it up.

The original audio only had Christian’s voice I added the voice of a DP…not the one who he was yelling at.

I’ve worked on some films where some people needed to get yelled at like this. But at the same time I’m not exactly sure what the DP did in order to cause this rampage.

Correction…Ain’t It Cool News has some inside info on what went down and I can understand why he would be upset.

The DP on TERMINATOR SALVATION, Shane Hurlbut, is a apparently a light tweaker. He’s a fairly young DP and likes to fiddle with his lights on set during action, which is a big “NO NO” on most productions unless worked out in advance with performers. But apparently Shane was a pretty unrepentant light tweaker.

The scene in question, was a very emotional and tough scene between Christian Bale and Bryce Howard. A scene that required soul bearing and a deep level of immersive concentration. The sort of scene where everyone on set knows not to get in anyone’s eye lines, and

I enjoy the films Christian Bale are in and I think he is a brilliant actor. There was no need for him to react like that, the director should have made that crystal clear to the DP and have controlled that situation better.

There must be so many emotions running through the DPs head like:

  • Shit! Either he is scary as hell or a brilliant actor.
  • I hate method actors.
  • What the fuck is he talking about? That was just a rehearsal.
  • Patience, don’t give him a reason to be suspicious of you.
  • I’ll get him back by loading the blanks myself.

The Corporate Assassin Widget

So if you have been on Myspace you know exactly what this widget is intended for. If you have never seen an ad like this on the web before consider yourself lucky. What to do with this widget? On the bottom of the widget is a get widget button. Click on that and grab the code for any number of websites and put it up and promote Corporate Assassin. Tell your friends, family and even co-workers that this is the year of the assassin.

A huge thanks goes out to Sal Conig and Justin Reich for helping me program this widget in Flash so I can loop it and make it link back to The Corporate Assassin’s webpage. Something I though would be easy took me quite some time to figure out. Much appreciated fellas.

Not sure I need to thank Brian as much as Lyndsey. He did get to lay on top of her about 5 different times. But he did drive up from Raleigh to participate. Thanks Brian this means a lot. Huge thanks to Lyndsey Bass for allowing us to fulfill a fantasy of many… also for being smothered about 5 times before we got it right. Micah Moore seeing things in a different perspective and sharing it with us. I enjoy our collaborations.