Why Filmmakers Aren’t Embracing Online Delivery

(Guest post by James Mowery)

For many people, the recent advancements in computer technology have been life changing. After all, it’s difficult to argue against the merits of having an entirely library of books, movies and music all at the tip of your fingertips on one device. That is, unless you are a filmmaker, musician or author. Artists the world over have expressed their concern as of late about online delivery of their products, and for a variety of reasons. In particular, filmmakers are beginning to come down on online delivery, deeming it unsuitable for their work.

Filmmakers aren’t embracing online delivery for a variety of reasons. For one, online delivery of films drastically increases the chance of movies being pirated, or stolen and freely disseminated throughout the internet. While this practice is illegal, it runs rampant among internet users and shows no signs of slowing down. As a result, artists are losing out on the royalties they need in order to continue doing their work. Filmmakers, in particular, have seen the effects this problem has had on the industry first hand.

Perhaps the main reason why filmmakers are not exactly excited about online delivery is the fact that they feel as if their films aren’t being represented correctly through the medium. Films are meant to be viewed on a large screen with surround sound speakers, and most people who acquire movies through online delivery are watching them on their computer screens, listening to the sound through tiny speakers. Filmmakers argue that this is not how their movies are meant to be experienced, and that opinions are thus skewed in different directions regarding the quality of the film.

Nevertheless, online delivery has truly taken off. Much to the dismay of filmmakers worldwide, many people consider it to be the wave of the future.

About the author: James Mowery is a computer geek that writes about technology and related topics. To read more blog posts by him, go to led tv.